CHIME University Graduate Degree Programs

CHIME University is now offering Graduate Degree Programs!
Learn more about our current options below.

International Digital Health Transformation - MSc

In this programme, students will gain the confidence to innovate and apply their learnings, as individuals and as team members, adopting a patient-centric approach to their decision-making and actions, to solve problems and overcome challenges within their healthcare system. This is achieved via digital asynchronous delivery, supported with synchronous tutorials, workshops, guest talks by digital health consultants and specialists in health sector industries. All coursework is via assignments and through the medium of undertaking a substantial project, members of each group will integrate and apply their previous learnings to develop a digital transformation solution or capability that will have a significant positive impact on their health service. This programme can be completed in one of three modes: over one calendar year; over 20 months or over two calendar years.